This is an unreleased desktop application using Electron, Typescript, and Vue.js that I made for myself to track time spent playing games. It combines data scraped from Steam profiles, queried from its API, and Minecraft playtime tracked by MultiMC. Using this data, it tracks (as accurately as it can when it's opened) when games were played and for how long.
Gwaihir is a Rust desktop app I built letting trusted friends share their desktop usage with each other to help automatically & remotely answer the question:
“Is now a good time?”
Its goal is to fill the information gap that exists when collaborating remotely versus in-person. In person, one uses
countless cues to determine if a colleague is bored, thinking, in a meeting, etc.
When remote, almost all of these cues are missing.
Gwaihir aims to automatically transmit just enough information to trusted colleagues/friends so they can naturally reach out when they see that it's a good time.
What Do? is a simple website I put together to help me and my friends decide what to do (what movie to watch, game to play, etc.) through a voting process. It evolved from a process that used a ranked choice voting website followed by analysis in spreadsheets. It was also an experiment in using Axum Live View for WebSocket-enabled server side rendering, purely in Rust. It uses for free "infrastructureless" hosting (which may not always work).
HomeworkData is an unreleased application I wrote for myself in high school and college to track and analyze the time I spent doing homework, partially with the goal of predicting how long some homework was going to take.
I made a game in Unity with 4 friends in 48 hours for the 2019 Global Game Jam. It was heavily inspired by the game Jamestown. I then wrote an autonomous agent that planned its motion in this game to survive as long as possible using different planning algorithms. This was my final project for CSCI4511W ("Introduction to Artificial Intelligence") at the U of M.
I released an app for the Pebble smartwatch before it was discontinued.