
Homework 1 - Image Processing

Jackson Kruger

Initial work for this went smoothly - cmake made compilation very simple and straightforward. This took a very long time overall, and many mistakes were made along the way. They're detailed in the rightmost column.

Some of the effects aren't obvious due to the size the images are displayed at, so if something doesn't seem right, open the image in a new tab or save & open the image. Additionally, all of the input and output images are available here and here, respectively.

Source code is on Github. image.cpp

A compiled executable for Ubuntu can be found here: Image.out

Feature Argument(s) Input Image Output Image Comments
Brighten -brightness 1.5
1.5 2.5
Random Noise -noise 0.5
0.5 1.0 2.0
Crop -crop 50 50 200 300
Extract Channel -extractChannel 1
Contrast -contrast 0.1
0.1 1.75

I had a great deal of trouble implementing contrast, as I initially thinking about it completely wrong. I was calculating the average luminance of the whole picture, then calculating the difference between that and each pixel's luminance. I then multiplied that difference by the contrast factor, and added it to the average luminance. I considered green and blue as function of red. I then did some algebraic manipulation to calculate the red value necessary to get the desired luminance, and calculated green and blue from that red. This method produced some very interesting results, shown below.

Saturation -saturation 0.1
0.1 2.0 5.0
Quantize -quantize 1
1 2 4

I first implemented quantization incorrectly, scaling as if the passed value was the max color value, not the number of bits. It was a pretty simple adjustment to my math to operate correctly (just calculate maxValue as 2^n - 1).

I didn't realize the function PixelQuant() was given to us after I finished implementing my own quantization. They're functionally similar but not identical. I switched over to PixelQuant().

Random Dither -randomDither 1
1 2 4
Floyd-Steinberg dither -FloydSteinbergDither 1
1 2 4

I got some very poor results when I had accidentally flipped the order of subtraction for calculating error, but discovered my mistake quickly.

I had a lot of trouble for an unknown reason when I tried to implement this using a struct I created, PrecisePixel, to increase the accuracy of dithering. In the end this didn't prove worth it and I reverted to a simpler implementation.

Differences between the dithering levels may not be apparent unless the images are opened at full resolution.

Blur -blur 2
2 8 16

I implemented a Gaussian convolution for this, and it's performed separably. The filter is scaled by the number inputted.

Sharpen -sharpen 2
2 8 16

Implementing sharpening after implementing blur was trivial.

Edge Detect -edgeDetect

I used a modified sobel filter for my edge detection. I also reduce saturation to 0 before processing, and added 1 level of blur. My implementation uses the sobel filters plus two complementary filters to detect edges it wouldn't otherwise. (If I remember correctly, before I added these it only detected bottom and left edges).

I tried numerous other combinations of effects like decreasing brightness and/or contrast before edge detecting then increasing them afterwards, but I was usually only able to produce better effects for specific images. A combination of pre/post-processing effects that looked good for one image didn't for another. So I found doing minimal other processing to give the most generally pleasing result.

Scale -scale 10 10
(-sampling 0)
Bilinear Interpolation
(-sampling 1)
(-sampling 2)

Note that these are all css-scaled to be the same size, though the output images are actually 10 times as big as the input in each direction. The input image is actually only 45x34 pixels. The images can be saved or opened in separate tabs to see this.

-scale 0.25 0.25
(-sampling 0)
Bilinear Interpolation
(-sampling 1)
(-sampling 2)

These illustrate the special case of reducing size by a power of two for point sampling and bilinear sampling.

Note that the input image when viewed separately is in fact a perfect checkerboard, alternating black/white each pixel.

Rotate -rotate 45
45 270 353

I had a lot of trouble with off-by-one style errors near the edges when rotating by a factor of 90 deg. I had to do a bit of a hack to fix it.

The image grows to accomodate the rotation, background is set to trasparent black (which renders white on the website).

Fun -fun

These were some fun mistake outputs while I was working on contrast. It was basically reinterpreting the image in terms of the luminance function, with some interpolation. The code is at the bottom of image.cpp in a method called "Purplify".

Another fun mistake